Welcome to VeritaSuicide

My life is a weird story, and I don’t know how the fuck to tell it, but if you want to read a live-blog written by a weird witch lady who believes in magic, trying to figure out what the fuck the universe is, here’s your chance to find some weird stories and shit.

It’s a story written by a time traveller, out of order, as they try to find how to break out of reality and get superpowers.

You can consider this an O.C. “Whovian” Fan Fiction if you want, but I think you’ll come to find the solutions to the mysteries are just as easily lost as they are found.

Follow the chronicles of Riley Quinn Jacobs, a fit young woman in her mid twenties who graduates University with a bachelor’s in Psychology, only to immediately struggle with her mental health to the level of Disability. When her battles with depression and subsequently addiction accelerate past the point of no return, she both literally and figuratively kills herself to travel to a different frame in the Multi-Verse in order to be reborn as Riley Suicide.

Wanna Help Solve a Mystery? Here’s everything I know.