Personal – What The Fuck.

TW: Dissociation, Unreality, Determinism The rational part of my mind knows that mapping out linear transforms of vectorspaces in different coloured pens in order to intuitively represent tesseracts and chart out the span of my mind in the Imaginary domain over time as a distorted reflection of the Real domain over time that my physical …

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On Reality – “The Matrix vs A Matrix.”

If you don't know what a matrix is, or anything about linear transformations, stop talking like you know dick about shit like "oh my god we live in The Matrix." A Matrix is a mathematical tool for describing our reality. Here's an example: Let there exist a matrix A = {x,y,z,t}, where x is width, …

Continue reading On Reality – “The Matrix vs A Matrix.”

Personal – Fuck Reality.

Given that almost all my time and energy is dedicated to escaping reality, e.g. Time Travel, Multiverse Theory, The Matrix, making a TARDIS, Holographic Reality, my prior Videogame Addiction, Spiritual Ascension, Astral Travel, Dreams, Alice in Wonderland level Absurdisms, changing my name repeatedly and reinventing myself, moving several times a year, the multiple suicide attempts …

Continue reading Personal – Fuck Reality.